Saturday, December 22, 2012

Worst Apocalypse

My dad showed me this the other day.
I thought it was very funny.

Sorry for the bad picture.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ninjago, according to LEGO's announcement here, will not be going away in 2013, and will stay around in 2014. This will make some people very happy, and some very sad. What are your feelings?

You may have  to scroll down a little to find the announcement.

Apocalypse MOCs at Brothers Brick

The picture is Adrian Drake's 'Forest Sentinel' One of the models featured at the Brothers Brick.

Alright, I'm having no trouble finding things to post, but you could still suggest things.  Because of the apocalypse today, the Brothers Brick posted the 14 of the best Post-Apocalyptic MoCs. Here is the post. Enjoy!
Well, today is the end of the world. Yesterday I was going to stand on the streets with a cardboard sign saying "THE END IS NIGH" while shouting out prophecies of impending doom, but I forgot. Oh well, with all the supposed 'doomsdays' lately, I'll get another chance soon enough. Happy Apocalypse!
Hello. My name is Lemming. Well, it isn't really, but that is my online identity. I now have a blog to blog my lego MOCs (My Own Creations). However, I want my first post to be something Lego related that is decided by you, the blog readers who will hopefully support me in my endeavor to have a blog. So, comment on this post and tell me what you think I should post- the best idea will be done if it is in my ability. Thanks!